Dr. Cubit's Iheart Radio Interview Below

Dr. Cubit's Book
Fool's Hill: The Meaning "Why"
A Memoir

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Dr. Cubit’s Outdoor World, Black People Don’t Hike – Backpacking, Biking, Camping, Hiking, Jeep & RV


For Dr. C’s Outdoor Adventures Please Read Chapters 15 & 16 in Fool’s Hill The Meaning Why

Dr. C’s Backpacking/Hiking Adventures

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Backpacking Superstition Wilderness, AZ

Backpacking Pacific Crest Trail, CA

Backpacking Mt. Rosalie Peak, CO

Hiking Bryce and Zion 2021

Backpacking Colorado Trail

Backpacking Gibson Lake, CO

Outdoor Colorado

Hiking White Ranch, CO

Hiking El Dorado Springs, CO

Hiking in Boulder CO

Hiking Hall Ranch, CO

Hiking Beaver Brook, CO

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Outdoor California

Hiking Art Smith Trail, Palm Desert, CA

Hiking, Yucaipa CA

Potholes Trail – Lake Piru, CA

Lookout Mountain, CA

Shelter Cove, Northern CA

Dr. C’s Camping Adventures

Camping Alta Lakes, CO 2020

Camping Guenella Pass 2015

Camping Roosevelt Wilderness, CO 2017

Camping Idyllwild, CA 2009

Camping Half Moon Los Padres NF

Camping Hurkey Creek Park, CA

Camping Mt. Pino Las Padres NF

Camping Wisconsin, 2019

RVing is Good For Me

The Old

The New

To Be Continued

I Love My Bike

Dr. C’s Jeep World I Love My Jeep

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Jeeping Before

The Transformation Take IT Off – Take it All Off

Jeeping After

Jeeping PICS

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