Dr. Cubit's Iheart Radio Interview Below

Dr. Cubit's Book
Fool's Hill: The Meaning "Why"
A Memoir

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Chps 8-11

Chap 8 Excerpt

A Decline And New Beginning

This was another life-changing event. I had a son now, and I needed to be responsible. I remember catching a bus to the hospital, and at that point, I knew I had to do things differently. I needed to find ways to

Chap 9 Excerpt

During The War-Within

The first semester, I earned two Ds and two Fs. Going back to school was a challenge. First, I wasn’t motivated and decided that college wasn’t for me and dropped out.

Chap 10 Excerpt

Male Model (Hmmm)

For example, on one occasion, I slept in my car in an old neighborhood in Long Beach near where I used to live. Male and female police officers woke me and decided to search my car even if there wasn’t any probable cause. The female office searched

Chap 11 Excerpt

Challenges And Change

I was through with all the madness. I vowed to never work in the newspaper industry again. My only experience with a newspaper after that would be reading one.

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