Dr. Cubit's Iheart Radio Interview Below

Dr. Cubit's Book
Fool's Hill: The Meaning "Why"
A Memoir

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Book Excerpts – Chapters 4-7 High School to the Marine Corps


Chap 4 Excerpt

The High School Years

If we won, that would be number two for the season. Time was running out, and the quarterback called an audible. The other wide receiver and I ran down the field to catch a Hail Mary. The quarterback threw the ball, a…

Chap 5 Excerpt

The Beginning of Employment

My first customer, I knocked on the door and said, “You wanna buy some brushes, muthershuckers.” Just kidding. But that was what I felt like saying, because that was the extent of my vocabulary and was what I knew in terms of communicating.

Chap 6 Excerpt

You’re In the (Army) Marines Now

I wondered if I was going to complete boot camp and further questioned if I had made the right choice to volunteer for the marines. Imagine the challenge here, an individual from the hood experiencing something foreign. I thought…

Chap 7 Excerpt

The Real Marine Corps

Typically, it took about six months for someone to earn his or her first rank in the marines. Some can earn rank before leaving boot camp. Eighteen months had passed before I earned my first rank.

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