Dr. Cubit's Iheart Radio Interview Below

Dr. Cubit's Book
Fool's Hill: The Meaning "Why"
A Memoir

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Book Excerpts – Chapters 1-3 the Beginning to Elementary School

Chap 1 Excerpt

The Beginning

Both parents had aspirations for a better life. While my mother was pregnant with my eldest sister, my parents decided to move to San Diego, California. “Daygo” slang as pronounced…

Chap 2 Excerpt

It’s Elementary

At that time, I remember, on occasion, saying to my mother that I was proud to live in America and proud to be black. My environment helped create those beliefs. Sometimes teachers communicated that I was smart, but I look in the mirror today and ask, “What happened to Ronnie…

Chap 3 Excerpt

Jr. High The Change

While I was standing, the teacher saw the large Bowie knife tucked in my trousers. The teacher quietly walked to the front of the class…

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