Dr. Cubit's Iheart Radio Interview Below

Dr. Cubit's Book
Fool's Hill: The Meaning "Why"
A Memoir

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Book 2

Currently In The Writing Phase

Topics In No Apparent Order

  • The Shabby Motel (continued from Book 1)
  • The Employment Dilemma (really the dream job? from Book 1)
  • The Court of Public Opinion
  • The Professional African American Male
  • The Detractors
  • Reinforcing The Meaning “Why”
  • The Nutrition Dilemma
  • The Family
  • The Outdoors (continued)
    • Condoms (funny)
    • The Orange Cap
    • Those Staring Eyes
  • The Love of My Life
  • Paradise
  • Continued Blessings
  • Fool’s Hill The Aftermath
  • You Only Live Once – No Replay
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