Dr. Cubit's Iheart Radio Interview Below

Dr. Cubit's Book
Fool's Hill: The Meaning "Why"
A Memoir

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Chps 16-19

Chap 16 Excerpt

Do Black People Hike?

I was fearful that a snake or Gila monster was going to bite me in the ass. That explained the degree of my inhibitions, and I looked like a nervous animal, looking here and there. How do you spell relief?

Going Home, Utah
Pacific Crest , CA
Superstition Wilderness, AZ
Back Country Colorado

Image Above Links to Dr. C’s Outdoor World

Chap 17 Excerpt

Is This My Dream Job?

Soon after my reconnection with my family, I received a phone call. The individual said, “You were successful during your interview, and we would like to offer you a job as an education specialist

Chap 18 Excerpt

The Influences

However, I understand that individuals face challenges more difficult than mine, and for whatever reason, they may not be able to communicate their stories. I do believe my God preserved me to communicate for some, especially those

Chap 19 Excerpt

The Meaning Why

Today, regarding my thoughts about fool’s hill, I still contemplate concerning my status. However, I wish success to you, and I hope you that find your hills or mountains to overcome give meaning to life! Success to you…

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